We are a couple of crazy, redneck, gun-toting, God-fearing, country loving people madly in love with each other and life! We love to ride fast, love hard, laugh a lot and live each day to its fullest! AND…we finally found our Homestead Land…dreams really do come true.
Our Texas homestead
Finding our Homestead Land
We were content in our lives. Living in the suburbs, a nicely trimmed back yard. Everything in its place. All the conveniences that we could want just around the corner. At least that is what we kept telling ourselves.
While deep down we were feeling cramped, as more and more homes were being built in tiny lots…houses squeezed as tight as they could fit them in. Traffic was (and is) growing by leaps and bounds. Nowadays it takes half a day just to drive to do your errands…do them…then drive home. The days of heading on over to pick up a gallon of milk and “I’ll be right back” are gone. Noise and pollution and rules/regulations…Oh MY!
We wanted out. We needed out!
We started dreaming about our own homestead. A piece of land to call our own, preferably in a more rural location. So we dreamed and prayed and dreamed and researched and googled ourselves to death. We gathered as much info as we could, learned as much as our brains would hold, and asked ourselves a lot of questions…
Things to consider when dreaming/planning your future homestead:
Where do you want to live? Geographically do you prefer east or west or smack dab in the middle of the USA? Do you want to have an urban homestead or get lost in the country?
What about climate? Do you want more warmth or a full spectrum of seasons? Are you a little older and just don’t want to hassle with snow/ice anymore? Does the cold cause you physical aches and pains? OR perhaps too much sun is just…too much.
What about size? Are you looking for an acre or 2 or perhaps a large ranch? Are you physically able to take care of your land? Are you emotionally able to handle a full time farm? Will you hire help or do it all yourself?
What about culture? It’s important to consider the culture of the area you are looking to live. Does it align with your values? Does it facilitate your goals and dreams?
All of these things are important factors to consider now, before you get there and settle in and possibly discover this wasn’t quite what you had in mind.
We took a long hard look at these questions and many more and decided on several things:
First, we didn’t want a huge piece of land. We are looking to retire here and we understand as we get older that we may not be able physically (or want to emotionally) take care of a large homestead. So we settled on around 1 acre, give or take.
Second, we also decided to go for a more seasonal location vs. one with cold and snowy winters. Although the part of Texas we found our land in does at times have freezing temps and a few snow days…that is just it…a FEW days. We didn’t want to have to deal with snow or ice for months on end. We both have bad knees and arthritis. Not a good combo.
Third, we also decided to forego homestead animals. NOW…don’t get all upset with us here. Let me explain. We are a dragracing family. It’s what we do. Every…single…weekend! So either I stay home and the hubby goes racing without me (not my first choice as I love racing too, and its “our” time) or we hire someone to take care of the animals. Neither of those choices sat well with us. So we chose to not have chickens, goats etc…until such a time as we no longer race. Instead, we will support our area friends and family by purchasing their eggs and borrowing their goats for weed control.
And fourthly, we decided to plop ourselves down in a state that was largely conservative by nature. Because that aligns more closely to our values personally and as a married couple. We knew by doing that we were setting ourselves up for success longterm.
2 Important Steps after making your priority list:
1. Have Faith in God-I have learned I HAVE to have faith in someone bigger than myself, bigger than my problem, situation or dream. That would be GOD. I can turn around now…look down the road of my past and see each and every area, circumstance and situation where God proved faithful. HE saw me through the difficulties, HE lifted and supported me, HE encouraged me and held me when I cried. HE guided me in the right direction toward the riches and blessings of my life. HAVE FAITH. Not in the dreams…but in GOD to provide you with your dreams.
Got to have a little…
2. Take Action!!!-Once you know what you are suppose to do…do it! Don’t hem and haw about it, over think or analyze it. JUST DO IT! Once you’re sure that person is for you…marry them. Once you’re sure you love that house…buy it. Once you know down to your toes you’re suppose to move…do it! Take action. Give honor to the moments you have walked through…the closed doors in life lead to open ones…walk through them.
Otherwise, we stay stuck in fear, which is not living and not living our dreams!
The Prepared Bloggers Network is at it again! We’re glad you’ve found us, because the month of April is all about homesteading.
Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. It is characterized by growing your own food, home preservation of foodstuffs, and it may even involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale. Most importantly homesteading is not defined by where someone lives, such as the city or the country, but by the lifestyle choices they make.
The Prepared Bloggers are passionate about what they do and they each have their own way of achieving self-sufficiency. Grab your favorite drink and enjoy reading about the 30 Ways of Homesteading!
Crops on the Homestead
Straw Bale Gardening from PreparednessMama
Crop Rotation for the Backyard Homesteader from Imperfectly Happy
Benefits of Growing Fruit from SchneiderPeeps
Succession Planting: More Food in the Same Space from 104 Homestead
Crops to Grow for Food Storage from Grow A Good Life
Winter Gardening Series from Our Stoney Acres
How To Build a Raised Garden Bed For Under $12 from Frugal Mama and The Sprout
How to Save Carrot Seeds from Food Storage and Survival
Animals on the Homestead
Getting Your Bees Started from Game and Garden
Homesteading How-To: Bees from Tennessee Homestead
How to Get Ready for Chicks from The Homesteading Hippy
Selecting a Goat Breed for Your Homestead from Chickens Are a Gateway Animal
Adding New Poultry and Livestock from Timber Creek Farm
Beekeeping 101: 5 Things To Do Before Your Bees Arrive from Home Ready Home
How to Prepare for Baby Goats from Homestead Lady
How to Prevent and Naturally Treat Mastitis in the Family Milk Cow from North Country Farmer
Tips to Raising Livestock from Melissa K. Norris
Raising Baby Chicks – Top 5 Chicken Supplies from Easy Homestead
Making the Homestead Work for You: Infrastructure
Ways to Homestead in a Deed Restricted Community from Blue Jean Mama
Building a Homestead from the Ground Up from Beyond Off Grid
DIY Rainwater Catchment System from Survival Prepper Joe
Finding Our Homestead Land from Simply Living Simply
I Wish I Was A Real Homesteader by Little Blog on the Homestead
Endless Fencing Projects from Pasture Deficit Disorder
Essential Homesteading Tools: From Kitchen To Field from Trayer Wilderness
Homesteading Legal Issues from Prior Proper Planning PPP
Why We Love Small Space Homesteading In Suburbia from Lil’ Suburban Homestead
Preserving and Using the Bounty on the Homestead
How to Dehydrate Corn & Frozen Vegetables from Mom With a Prep
Learn to Make Soap from Scratch from Blue Yonder Urban Farms
How to Render Pig Fat from Mama Kautz
How to Make Your Own Stew Starter from Homestead Dreamer
Why You Should Grow and Preserve Rhubarb! from Living Life in Rural Iowa
It’s a Matter of Having A Root Cellar…When You Don’t Have One from A Matter of Preparedness
This article may be hopping around the following Blog Hops: (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog Hop, The HomeAcre Hop, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Homestead Blog Hop, From the Farm Fridays, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop.
Copyright Notice: This article may from time to time be contributed to third-party sites, but it is COPYRIGHTED, and it may not be used without my written permission. If you are interested in any of my articles, please contact Kat Yorba; Author and owner of Simply Living Simply directly for republishing information.
Affiliate Notice: Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link does NOT increase the price you pay but allows me to keep blogging, sharing and bringing you great content.
Medical Disclaimer Notice: Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me &my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advice for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is in accordance and required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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