(Psst…there is an awesome Giveaway…just scroll to the bottom!)
Have you ever wished you could fill your freezer with meals that are already prepared and ready to heat and eat? Oh, yeah, those are called TV dinners, but you’re not convinced they’re that healthy or they don’t come in the foods your family likes. You could make your own freeze-ahead meals and sauces. It will take a little time, and a little effort but it can be so comforting knowing you have those meals all prepped and ready for those evenings you simply don’t want to, or can’t cook.
Preparing freeze-ahead meals will take a bit of time. You will want to plan which meals to prepare, make a shopping list, go purchase the food and then do the actual cooking. There are a number of websites which share information on freeze-ahead meals and they usually recommend doing this type of cooking over at least two days.
One of the easiest types of meals to do as a freeze-ahead meal is a casserole. You can put the ingredients together in an aluminum pan, cover it and pop it into the freezer. When the time comes to eat it, it will be so easy you’ll be glad you spent the time making it.
Lasagna is one of the most popular meals for families to make ahead and freeze. You will need noodles, spaghetti sauce (homemade or store bought), cheese and meat. Prepare the lasagna as if you’re going to eat it right away except you won’t bake it now. When you have added the last cheese layer, place a cover on the pan. Let it cool in the refrigerator or place the casserole pan in a sink of ice water prior to freezing to ensure it freezes uniformly.
You can also make your favorite soups to freeze for later use. Chili is welcome in the colder months (we love it any time of the year) but you might not always have to time prepare it. Make a big pot of chili, break it down into normal amounts needed for your family, and place the containers in the freezer. When you’re hankering for a bowl of chili, it will be so much easier to reheat the frozen chili than making an entire pot.
Spaghetti is a common meal families prepare on a regular basis. Cans or jars of sauce at the store are expensive and it seems prices continue to rise. Rather than turning to store bought sauce, make your own and freeze it. Buy tomatoes when they are on sale and prepare the sauce with your favorite ingredients. Your family will be able to taste the difference and the love.
Perhaps you’ve come across a great sale on ground beef. There are so many ways you can use it. Cook the meat right away using onions and simple seasonings. You can freeze enough in one container for a variety of meals – spaghetti, tacos, shepherd’s pie, burritos, enchiladas or pirogues.
Freeze-ahead meals can be so helpful when you’re rushed for time. The effort at the beginning of the process might seem labor intensive, but the time is definitely well worth it. To make the process easier, enlist the help of your family or cook with a several friends! You can share the work load and the food!
Here is a handy-dandy infographic all about frozen foods, print and keep handy!
This infographic first appeared at freezerlabels.net
FoodSaver / Freezerlabel.Net Freezer Label Giveaway
A group of homesteading and preparing bloggers have come together to bring this giveaway to you… By entering you have the chance to win 1 of 3 prizes:
3 Winners
1 – The first prize is one FoodSaver Model Number#V4880 **Please Read Disclaimer #4 and 120 Professionally Printed Freezer Labels from FreezerLabels.Net this is a $319.00 Value.
2 – Second & Third Prizes are 120 Professionally Printed Freezer Labels from FreezerLables.Net for 2 winners.
Freezer Labels.Net
Freezer Labels have been provided by Freezerlabel.net they are designed to be used in freezing environments and made to last, unlike other paper labels. Visit their website to find printable’s and other freezer labeling tools… Free Printable’s Here!
When Is The Giveaway?
Begins May 1st 12am EST
Ends May 8th 12am EST
Who Can Enter?
Anyone 18 years or older, and a resident of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii.
Winner Notification
The winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond. If we do not hear back from said winner in the designated time period of 24 hours we will choose another winner and they will have 24 hours to respond from the time the notification email is sent.
Giveaway Terms & Conditions
You can find the official Giveaway Terms and Conditions by clicking here!
Enter Giveaway!
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Medical Disclaimer Notice: Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me &my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advice for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is in accordance and required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

I never seem to have much luck packaging pre-cooked meals for freezing. They always look less than appetizing when I pull them out to cook later.