My Story

 sls my story

Hi there!

I’m Kat and my husband John and I are very glad you stopped by!  We thought it might be nice to sit a bit on the front porch, have some iced tea, and chat for a spell.

First let me tell you a little bit about me:

I’m a southern gal, originally from Oklahoma and transplanted in California, who LOVES being a wife to an amazingly wonderful man who puts up with me to know end, a mother to mine…his…and sometimes many others (and hopefully adopting more in the future), a blogger who loves to write and write and write…I have a lot to say y’all, and a follower of Jesus Christ.  

I ADORE coffee, chocolate, baking, essential oils, books, gardening, camping, meows, guns, sleeping in, drag racing and of course…TEXAS!  



Our dreams are awaiting…1/8 mile tracks & nitro fumes…

Chickens & gardens and redneck blues…





From our family to yours,


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