Simply Food

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We like to prepare and eat wholesome, natural and organic foods

But I warn you…sometimes they are Semi-Homemade!


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What IS Simple, Natural, Whole and Organic Foods?

Whole Foods: The basic concept is that whole food is unprocessed and unadulterated, and comes to us straight from nature. Whole food is not genetically modified, processed, colored, made by synthetic means, or laden with hormone additives. White flour, sugar, white rice, most cold cereals, crackers, and packaged foods are processed. Whole foods include grains (such as whole grain flours, brown and wild rice, quinoa, millet); organic or minimally treated fruits and vegetables; wild caught or sustainably farmed seafood; organically raised meats; organic, unprocessed dairy products and free-range eggs. Whole foods do not contain preservatives, and consequently have a shorter shelf life.

Organic Foods: “Organic” technically refers to any material that is carbon-based. That said, organically raised food follows a set of prescribed practices that differ in a number of ways from industrialized agriculture. Only farms that go through the certification process of their country or state can label their food organic. The process is expensive, and many small farms choose to forgo certification even though their own practices meet or exceed those required.

Organic standards vary, but generally include:

  • Prohibition of synthetic chemicals, irradiation, sewage sludge, or genetically modified organisms
  • Farmland that has been free of the above for a time (in the U.S. it’s three years)
  • Detailed records of practices used
  • Periodic on-site inspections
  • USDA-certification for organic meat forbids use of growth hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified feed, or animal by-products in raising the livestock
  • Organic eggs are required to come from chickens that are both cage-free and free range

Natural Food: Legally, food labeled “natural” does not contain any artificial ingredients, coloring ingredients, or chemical preservatives, and, in the case of meat and poultry, is “minimally processed.” Simple foods: What we put into our bodies is considered fuel for our body to run and helps with our bodily functions. But…most of us are putting in the wrong type of food in our bodies and too much of it.  Do you have constipation, heartburn, reflux or indigestion?  Then perhaps your eating the wrong foods.  We need to start eating more simply.  Most of us consume mass quantities of sodas and junk food on a daily basis. And that’s just in-between meals.  Our meals tell another story.  Large portions of meat, White rice or potatoes or maybe even pasta, of course white bread or tortillas and desserts every night.  Did we sneak in any vegetables at all?? Huge meals like this lead to overtaxing our systems and our bodies, leaving us feeling sluggish, tired and depleted.  This is simply too much food for our bodies to digest efficiently.

Here are some Simple Eating Tips:

1. I recommend not drinking with your meal. Adding liquid (of any type) to a meal, is detrimental and only dilutes your body’s digestive juices and makes it even more difficult to digest your food. If you are a big liquid drinker during meals, first, switch to water. Then work on cutting down the amount. Over a month or two, you will find that you feel better and you can get to the place where you can totally eliminate it.

2. Eliminate some of the “bread” portion of your meal. There is no reason we need to have a bread with every single meal.  Pick and choose your bread wisely. Eat whole wheat breads/tortillas/rolls, preferably homemade. 3. Increase veggies at EVERY meal. Vegetables (not corn or potatoes) contain enzymes that HELP digestion and the more of them you consume the better for your body and the easier time it will have digesting your meal.

3. Try to limit the types of food you are eating to just being about

4. In other words, have 1 type of protein (meat, eggs, tofu, cheese OR beans), have several types of carbs (2-3 different types of vegetables (not corn or potatoes), and then maybe a starch (like corn or potatoes – just pick one from the list and only if you HAVE to!).

5. SPICES! Spices can jazz up all your meals. Don’t be afraid to use them – sprinkle some chili powder and a little lemon on a bowl of fruit – DELICIOUS! Add some basil, dill, oregano, curry or cumin to a pot of beans – there are endless ways you can cook with spices. They will trick your brain into thinking that you’re having a lot of variety with your food, when in fact you’re keeping it simple and just adding some healthy herbs!

Let’s all remember to try and choose Whole (not processed or minimally), Natural (not man-made), Organic (no pesticides or preservatives) and SIMPLE foods for our bodies and our families good health!