Start Prepping NOW


How to Start Prepping…for Survival

In the past few years, we have watched the economy going downhill, along with other aspects of society. Since that time, there have been many people who are concerned about what the future might hold. Instead of biding their time and hoping for the best, many of these people are starting to prepare for the future by prepping for survival. It’s easy to get started if you know what to do. Here are a few tips to help you start preparing your family for the future.

1.      Purchase a good, high quality water filter. You will need this to ensure a good water supply for yourself and your loved ones. I highly recommend Berkey for home and lifestraw for on the go!
2.      Make sure that you have garden tools and know how to use them. Even if you have never gardened before, you need to pick up some tools and start learning how to feed yourself off the land. There are plenty of guides that you can get online and print out for future reference. It’s a good idea to plant a garden and put into practice what you are learning. Once you have that garden up and going, harvest time=canning time=food storage!
3.      Get some good wood cutting tools. Get an ax and a saw so that you can cut down wood that you can use for fuel and heat.
4.      Gather enough canned food and bottled water to last your family for 3 months. Store this in a safe place that is easy for you to get to.

5.      If you are comfortable with firearms and know how to use them, get a firearm and plenty of ammo. You want to make sure that you can protect your family in the case of an emergency.  Better yet, learn how to make your own ammo with reloads!
6.      Make sure that you have an emergency radio that operates by hand crank or solar power. You won’t believe how handy this will become.
7.      Have a first aid kit on hand that covers more than the basics, go further and keep an herbal kit and an essential oil kit too!

8.      Get a large supply of flashlights and batteries that you can use, as well as plenty of candles and matches.

By taking these easy precautions, you will be able to feel secure knowing that you have taken the first steps to protecting your family in case the unthinkable happens. Don’t forget that your family needs to be part of the prepping process. They will be able to help out and will know all the hard work that has gone into getting the family prepared. Then you can all relax and rest well knowing that you are prepared for the worst.

What is one of the first things you will do, to be more prepared?

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This article may be hopping around the following Blog Hops: (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog HopThe HomeAcre Hop, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Homestead Blog Hop, From the Farm Fridays, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop.
Copyright Notice: This article may from time to time be contributed to third-party sites, but it is COPYRIGHTED, and it may not be used without my written permission. If you are interested in any of my articles, please contact Kat Yorba; Author and owner of Simply Living Simply directly for republishing information.
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Medical Disclaimer Notice: Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me &my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advice for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is in accordance and required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.
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Simply Living Simply About Simply Living Simply

Howdy there, I'm Kat! I'm a southern gal who loves being a wife, mother, blogger, writer and a follower of Jesus Christ. I adore coffee, chocolate, sweet tea, essential oils, meows, guns, drag racing and TEXAS!
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