You know what the real problem is with getting organized? We have too much stuff! I’m willing to bet you have some things you (or someone you live with) keep without having a good enough reason. So why DO we keep so much stuff? The thing is, it’s easier to find excuses for why you […]
Your Clean & Un-cluttered Casa
The Cast-offs
Your Plan of Action
Stay Organized – Avoid Distractions

We have never been so productive, so busy and at the same time so distracted. Throughout history there have always been issues that have prevented us from doing what we set out to do. But, it’s never been as hard as it is today. Technology has its benefits and rewards, but it also has its […]
Realistic Goal Setting
Preserving the Bounty Giveaway
Essential Cleaning Naturally

Do I like my home to smell clean, fresh and, well….clean? Yes-I-do!! But not at the expense of have chemical cleaners and toxins spread all around my home. And you know that I am all into simple here. And frankly, there is nothing more simple and powerful in a natural way than essential oils. Essential […]
Homesteader Chit Chat #4
Welcome back to another installment of Homesteader Chit Chat! Today we have the privledge of talking with Kristi from The Mind to Homestead. She’s jut a hop, skip and jump away from me…pull up a seat with a cup of herbal tea and enjoy! Please go show Kristi some Simply Living Simply love and visit […]