dōTERRA™ Essential Oils is a company founded on a wellness philosophy of healthy lifestyle choices and encourages active involvement in your own healthcare. dōTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils and other wellness products are specifically formulated to support a wellness philosophy of:
dōTERRA also teaches informed self care alternatives and encourages people to take a proactive role in their medical care. Their mission as a company is to teach people to live more healthy, productive lives and to share with others the blessing of a lifetime of wellness.
Eating Right
Eating right is a matter of quality and quantity. Our diets should be rich in foods with an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. A healthy diet also includes low-fat sources of protein, moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates, and limited fats. Eating right means choosing fresh, whole, unprocessed foods and avoiding foods that are over processed and contain high levels of simple sugars and saturated fats. The dōTERRA philosophy of eating right also includes the daily consumption of dietary supplements to ensure optimal levels of key nutrients that are essential for longevity and wellness.
Regular, moderate exercise is essential for optimal physical and emotional wellness. Coupled with eating right, regular exercise can help one maintain healthy body weight and composition. Healthy activity begins with taking the stairs, walking to lunch, and generally having a “mentality of movement.” A more complete exercise program includes aerobic activity, flexibility exercise, and strength training.
Rest and Manage Stress
Living healthy includes appropriate time for rest and relaxation. Regular sleep is an often skipped, but essential practice for optimal health. Managing stress is also important to maintaining good health. When we do not allow our bodies appropriate time for rest and regeneration, we can compromise our immune defenses and may become more prone to infection and disease. Chronic stress remains a significant health threat and has been tied to numerous degenerative conditions.
Reduce Toxic Load
In spite of our best efforts to practice good wellness habits, we can be exposed to toxic environmental stressors that can have deleterious effects on our health. Common toxic stressors include overexposure to UV rays, toxic ingredients in products throughout our homes, and chemical pollutants in our air and water. Being aware of these toxic threats to our health and choosing products that provide protection and peace of mind from such toxins are also important to optimal wellness.
Informed Self Care
When we experience sub-optimal heath conditions, there are many self-care alternatives that can provide safe and effective relief of symptoms and long-term solutions to problems. Reaching for a prescription or over-the-counter drug may not always be the best first alternative to taking care of one’s self when sick. dōTERRA’s therapeutic-grade essential oils and other wellness products are formulated to support the body’s own natural ability to keep itself healthy and can be used effectively in combination with traditional and alternative medical practices.
The Safest Most Effective Essential Oils:
dōTERRA (CPTG) Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils represent the safest, purest, and most beneficial essential oils available today. They are gently and skillfully distilled from plants that have been patiently harvested at the perfect moment by experienced growers from around the world for ideal extract composition and efficacy. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize dōTERRA’s superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Why I Choose doTERRA:
This is why I choose to use, recommend and sell doTERRA wellness products; this company has integrity. Their focus is on bringing health and wellness to others…not just making money. They have gone out of their way (something they didn’t NEED to do…they WANTED to do) to create a new testing procedure for the products they wish to bring to the world ensuring that they are the purest possible product to bring to the world. They have strong wellness and moral ethics that I can whole-heartedly support and agree with. They also take very good care of the people that tell the world about their products. That means a lot to me, and speaks highly of them!
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