The Gardening Notebook Interview

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It’s Spring where I live and I am having alot of fun with The Gardening Notebook from Angi @ Schneider Peeps!

I love how Angi has divided the notebook up into sections that make sense to me, make sense to a gardener.  And the printables are…just…right!  I know the more I use this notebook, the more I will love it.  I am itching to get started…

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but first…I had a chance to ask Angi some questions about The Gardening Notebook, gardening in general, homesteading and more…

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Growing melons

1. What prompted you to create such a wonderful notebook?
I started keeping a notebook after just a few years of gardening.  I quickly realized that if I didn’t write things down, there was no way I would remember everything.  Unfortunately, one of my children accidently put my notebook in the burn barrel with some trash during a cleaning frenzy.  As I began to rebuild the notebook, my husband said, “There’s a lot of good stuff in here. You should write an ebook.”  And so I did.
2. What is your favorite section of the book?
My favorite section of the book is the garden layout section.  I love getting my colored pencils and graph paper out each season and creating a plan of my garden.  I also love the journaling pages.  These two sections are where my creativity can flourish.
3. Do you have any insider tips or tricks to using the notebook so that our readers get the most out of it?
I think the key to getting the most out of The Gardening Notebook is to relize that it isn’t a one size fits all book that you can print up, read and forget about.  The notebook is designed to be personal.  The more you write in it, the more benefitial it will be to you.
4. Could you tell us your most favorite plants to garden…veggies, flowers, fruits, herbs or ornamentals? And why?
Vegetables and fruits are my favorite plants to grow.  I find it extremely fulfilling to be able to feed my family with the things we grow.
5. How long have you been Homesteading, Where, Why and how big is your garden?
We’ve been gardening off and on for about 20 years. But the last 10 years we’ve tried to keep our garden going year round.  About 3 years ago we added chickens to our property and about 2 years ago one of our sons decided to start keeping bees. We live on 1.5 acres along the Texas Gulf Coast and we garden about 1/4 of an acre.
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Chickens just go with gardening, right?!!

6. Could you share with us one new veggie you are growing this year that you haven’t in the past, and why…what prompted you?
Last fall I saw some beautiful photos of an arbor with grapes growing on it and hanging down from the “roof”.  I’ve always wanted grapes but now I wanted a grape arbor, too.  My husband has built the arbor and we’ll be planting grapes this weekend.
7. What veggies do you grow every year without fail? What is the variety?? Do you have any past pics you could share with our readers?
Tomatoes….lots and lots of tomatoes. I love to experiment with all kinds of varieties.  For quantity (and flavor) I really like Celebrity.  These are have been the most consistent producers for me over the years.  But I also really like, Cherokee Purple which is an heirloom, good producer and has a great flavor.  My favorite small tomato is the Yellow Pear tomato.
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Homegrown Tomatoes

8. I know your also a great cook. Do you have a BONUS recipe you could share with our readers that incorporates some of your homegrown garden bounty? (Angi…just tell the story…add a pic and the URL of the recipe..I will link it up that way so we get them over to your site)
One of the reasons we love to grow so many tomatoes is that we love our spaghetti sauce.  Every year I have a goal to grow enough tomatoes to can enough spaghetti sauce and salsa to last a year.  I’ve yet to reach that goal but one day I will.
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Homemade Tomato Sauce from Homegrown Tomatoes

9. What is your main challenge in the garden? Pests? Weeds?
My main challege in the garden is water.  Since I live in zone 9 and we’ve had 3 years of drought conditions, summer can be a really hard season for the garden and fruit trees. Eventually we’d like to get some drip irrigation for the garden but until then we’ll make due with what we have.
I hope you have enjoyed this sneak peak into the life of Angi from Schneider Peeps as much as I have.  You really should visit her at:
Now…let’s DIG in and enter this SPRING INTO GARDENING GIVEAWAY!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance.  The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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About Kat Y (Simply Living Simply)

I am a "red-neck country wife" to one wonderfully amazing man, mother to many outrageous children, daughter of the ONE Glorious God. Learning to be more self-reliant & self-sufficient in a semi-homemade, homesteading way!
Connect with Kat here:    

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