Thankful Thursdays Blog Hop

thankful thursday Thankful Thursdays Blog Hop


Welcome to Thankful Thursdays Blog Hop!

Thankful Thursday is here….and it’s time to share and spread a little Thankfulness around.  The more you are thankful, the more you have something to be thankful about!  I am so thankful for so many things every day and I look forward to sharing them with you…and by the way…I am Thankful for YOU!

The Thankful Thursday Co-Host Crew is:

Jay @ Crafty Spices

Heather @ The Homesteading Hippy

Life in The Faith Lane

and ME…

Simply Living Simply

Join Thankful Thursday

What are you thankful for today? Come share with us, share one or a couple posts.
You may help us spread the word about being thankful by tweeting about this event.

Simple Rules

Be Thankful for something
Write a post of what you are thankful for
Visit a few other thankful blogs
Grab our Thankful Thursday button and place it somewhere in your site or thankful post. It would be greatly appreciated.
Please do not link to your main site, but directly to your Thankful Thursday Post

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Cultivate a Thankful Heart!  What are YOU Thankful for today? Come link up and show us.

And remember: You can Always…Always…Always find something to be thankful for!

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I am Thankful for my GIRLFRIENDS!

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I don’t care who you are or how old you are…girlfriends are priceless.  I have quite a few of these precious people.  I have some real life girlfriends and some internet girlfriends…but they all are so valuable to me, because each and every one of them shine as bright as the facets of a diamond.  Each one is unique and each loves and supports me in different ways.

I don’t know about you…but when I can talk with my friends, even for a few minutes…I feel better.  I am sure scientist and doctors have some sort of technical mumbo jumbo to explain that…but me? I just call it “girlfriend time.”

I guess we also have different girlfriends for different reasons or seasons…such as:

The Childhood Friend – you two have been tight foreverrrrr….she knows you inside and out!

The New Friend – She is major fun and interesting, never know what your gonna get and that’s exciting!

The Workout Friend - She keeps you committed….and responsible…and we love and hate her for it.

The Spiritual Friend – She understands your spirit, your heart and calls you on issues with love.

The Way Way Out There Friend – We all need this friend, because face it…were all way, way out there at times.

The Perfectionist Friend - We need her because we just…”aren’t” and that’s okay.

The Younger Friend – You love her because she reminds and encourages you to be your younger self.

The Mom Friend - Could be YOUR Mom or a mom figure…we all need mothering.

I am extremely luck to have had a lot of friends and friendships in my life.  Some are short-timers and others are forever-afters.  Some I end up pulling the plug after several weeks/months/years of dysfunctional interactions.  The one thing I have learned is that there is really only 2 prerequisites for a good, healthy friendship for me:


*The relationship brings out the BEST in ME

*We accept each other as we are; no expectations, no judgement.


Here are a few more thoughts on friendships:

Springboards: We all need friends that we can take our ideas, worries, joys, concerns, or just gripes of the day to.  They are the awesome gals that we can get advice from…about hair, marriage, where to buy this or that.  She doesn’t tell us what to do…she just allows us to vent…let it all out…in that process we usually end up sorting it all out ourselves.

Mirrors:  There are those friends that just know us inside and out.  Better than anyone, maybe even our spouse.  They can just look at you and know if you are happy, sad, pissed off or overjoyed.  They also know what we need from them instinctively…like a hug…a good long talk….no talking at all…maybe just go blow off steam and get rowdy…or maybe just go “BE” together.  This type of friend is a keeper friend…hopefully forever.  This friend mirrors back to you…truth.

Safety Nets: Do you have a friend that is always nice?  We need these friends too…those that say nice things…she is always smiling and always has something nice to say to you about…anything!  She uplifts you, makes you feel good about yourself.  She will never say bad stuff to you or about you…she is your safe place…your safety net.

Tough Love: This is that bossy broad in our lives…and she might even have red hair too!  She tells you like it is…with love.  She speaks truth, but not to hurt you…and she calls you out when you are way off base…and we need her and we love her.  Because with her…you don’t get away with crap!

Mutual Silence is Kindness:  There are those friends that understand that there is a place and time for talking and action…but not with them.  They provide something that we desperately need in our lives….silence.  Silence with a friend is one of the most precious, wonderful and priceless gifts.  It allows us time to work things out in our heads and hearts…and yet were not alone…were supported…quietly.


In closing, I just want to thank ALL my girlfriends both in my “Real” life and my “Internet” life…you know who you are.  You each bring something unique and wonderful to my life and I value and treasure each and every one of you…and love you with my whole heart…thank you for being my friend!

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Whose your tough love friend? Whose your Mirror?  
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This article is hopping around the following Blog Hops:

Homestead Barn HopWildcrafting WednesdayFrom the Farm Fridays, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop.


This article may be contributed to third-party sites, but it is COPYRIGHTED, and it may not be USED in any form or shared without my written permission.  If you are interested in this article or any of Simply Living Simply articles, please contact Kat Yorba; Author and owner of Simply Living Simply directly for republishing information.


Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link does NOT increase the price you pay but allows me to keep blogging and sharing what I learn with you. It's a bit like leaving a tip for a service and I very much appreciate it!

Medical Disclaimer:

Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance.  The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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About Kat Y (Simply Living Simply)

I am a "red-neck country wife" to one wonderfully amazing man, mother to many outrageous children, daughter of the ONE Glorious God. Learning to be more self-reliant & self-sufficient in a semi-homemade, homesteading way!
Connect with Kat here:    

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