Herbal Remedies and Essential Oils

Now a days, there is a variety of essential oils, roots, and herbs available to support healthy living. These natural products can be used for treating ailments, flavoring your food, skin care, create perfumes, and manufacture environmentally safe cleaning products. If you do not have room for a garden, a few herbs planted by a […]

Essential Cleaning Naturally

clean feature

Do I like my home to smell clean, fresh and, well….clean?  Yes-I-do!!  But not at the expense of have chemical cleaners and toxins spread all around my home.  And you know that I am all into simple here.  And frankly, there is nothing more simple and powerful in a natural way than essential oils. Cleaning […]

Eat these 7 Foods daily for DETOX!

While every natural, whole foods has it own health benefits, some of them have shown to have a specific nutritional value that makes them special. Those particular foods are often called super foods. But when we hear the word super food, we often think of an exotic and pricey supplement. But there are “regular” foods that […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #68

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Join us for ideas on living a Simple Lifestyle and being Self Sufficient! Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop! This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way […]

Simply Essential Easter Dinner

Easter came a little early this year for our family.  My husband had to go out of town for training so we decided to have our own mini-Easter celebration before he left.  It’s just the two of us now-a-days, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to shuffle the celebration. Of course in years […]

An Essential oil Birthday: Cake Day!

So I had a crazy idea for my birthday this month! Since I love essential oils so much… And I love all of you so much… What if I gave YOU Essential Oily gifts?? I like that!  It makes me HAPPY! So WELCOME to 5 days of 5 Essential Oily gifts!!   Every day for […]

The Doctor Ordered Vitamin D

Getting enough Vitamin D is typically not a huge issue for most people today, but it was just a few years ago that a lack of this vitamin was a serious health issue. As recently as the early 1900s, many children suffered from rickets, a severe malformation of legs caused by a lack of Vitamin […]

Finding our Homestead Land

We are a couple of crazy, redneck, gun-toting, God-fearing, country loving people madly in love with each other and life! We love to ride fast, love hard, laugh a lot and live each day to its fullest!  AND…we finally found our Homestead Land…dreams really do come true.   Finding our Homestead Land We were content […]