Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!

rosemary collage2 Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!

It’s been such a beautiful Summer so far, especially in the mornings as I walk the back patio with my coffee cup in hand.  Looking over the Lavender and Rosemary growing rich and abundant…I had a brief moment of inspiration.  I know, amazing…huh?!!  It’s the coffee icon smile Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!

Today is all about Rosemary!  


Tidbits of information on our remarkable herb Rosemary:

Most Rosemary plants are upright shrubs gowing 4 to 6 feet tall, though some varieties trail and can be used as a ground cover.  Even though there are many specific Rosemary types, they essentially all taste similar.  My favorite? All of them!

Rosemary will not survive the winter…unless you live in Southern California like me.  In zone 6 or lower you will need to grow it in a pot and bring it indoors in the winter, or put it in the ground and replant it each spring.  In zone 7 plant it in a protected spot and mulch it well.  Where I live in zone 9…your fine all year round!

Like Sage, Rosemary is best when cooked, rather than adding it at the last minute or using it raw as in a salad…unless you are adding it to a mixed drink like we are today…then it is just right!

The intensity of the flavor of Rosemary varies depending on growing conditions.  It is strongest in hot weather and can be quite mild in the winter.  Remember this and adjust the amount you use in recipes accordingly.

Rosemary blooms in early spring with tiny blue (or pink or white) flowers.  If you patiently gather them they are delicious sprinkled on salads or on any dish that Rosemary would normally enhance.

Rosemary is the exception to the rule that you should cut your herbs back aftet they flower.  Trim Rosemary like any shrub at any time.  The best time to do this is anytime you are using Rosemary in a recipe or DIY.

Thin, stiff Rosemary branches make excellent skewers or grill basters. Just strip the leaves off the lower portion of the stalk.


Rosemary Recipes for a Relaxing Summer Evening

rosemarychickpeas 261x300 Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!


1 15 oz. can of chickpeas

3 TBSP olive oil

1 TBSP coursely chopped rosemary

1 TBSP finely chopped garlic

3/4 tsp kosher or sea salt

Plenty of freshly ground black pepper


1.  Drain and rinse the chickpeas in a strainer. Turn onto paper towels and pat dry.

2.  Pour olive oil into large skillet (cast iron would be amazing for this recipe) that has been pre-heated to medium-high heat and toss in chickpeas.

3.  Cook them for 5-7 minutes, shaking the pan often. They won’t really brown but will darken and shrink a bit.

4.  Pour chickpeas back into the strainer to drain excess oil and then return to the pan.

5. Lower the heat to medium, add rosemary and garlic.  Stir for 1 minute more, just until garlic begins to brown.

6. Sprinkle liberally with kosther or sea salt and many grindings of pepper. Toss.

7. Serve Warm.


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Glorious Rosemary Gin & Tonic


Rosemary Gin & Tonic

Now that you have your munchies all ready to go…mix up this quick but refreshing cocktail to go with those amazing Rosemary Chickpeas!


1 lime wedge (optional)

2 Rosemary Sprigs

2 oz. Gin

Tonic Water


1. Lightly crush lime wedge and rosemary in a cocktail glass of your choice.

2. Pour in your favorite Gin

3. Fill glass with ice and top with tonic water.

4. Stir and and Rosemary sprigs.


rosemary eyepack Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!

Are we relaxed yet?

Just to make our Summer Evening complete…and if they amazing snacks and drinks haven’t relaxed you yet…try this simple relaxing eyepack!


Rosemary & Lavender Eyepack


One piece of 7″ x 10″ fabric
3/4 cup or 1 cup white all purpose rice
4 tablespoons crushed rosemary and lavender

I used 2 Tbs. lavender, 2 Tbs. rosemary– any combination you prefer will work, but remember some herbs are stimulating while others are better for relaxation.  


1.  Cut material into a 7″ x 10″ rectangle and fold cloth in half so that the inside is facing up (so that it’s inside out).  You should now have piece of cloth that is 3.5″ x 10″.

2.  Sew around the edges leaving one opening at the top for adding in the herb mix.

3.  Add rice and herbs.

4. Sew bag together.

5. Add a few extra drops of Lavender Essential Oil (get the brand I use HERE)

6. Apply to eyes and relax!


rocking chairs on porch sxc Everythings Coming Up Rosemary!

A great spot!

Now that you have your relaxing eyepack full of lovely lavender and rosemary…

your yummy Rosemary Munchies by your side…

Rosemary Gin & Tonic in hand…

Have a seat…enjoy the sights, sounds, scents and sunsets of Summer!


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This article is hopping around the following Blog Hops:

Homestead Barn HopWildcrafting WednesdayFrom the Farm Fridays, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop.


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Medical Disclaimer:

Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance.  The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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About Simply Living Simply

I am a "red-neck country wife" to one wonderfully amazing man, mother to many outrageous children, daughter of the ONE Glorious God. Learning to be more self-reliant & self-sufficient in a semi-homemade, homesteading way!
Connect with Kat here:    

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