The Family Physician’s Kit Essential Oil Giveaway!

FPKgiveaway The Family Physicians Kit Essential Oil Giveaway!

Are you ready to take control of your families health?

“What is healthcare costing your family?”

These questions are very important question to ask yourself!  With the skyrocketing health insurance prices and not knowing from day to day if there will even BE insurance for all families across the U.S. I have a solution for you.  The Family physician kit is the perfect answer for what ails ya!

The Family Physician Kit includes 6 single oils and 4 blends that every family needs….regardless of whether you are single, have a partner in life or a huge family…..this kit addresses SO many of the everyday health needs of any family.
I don’t know where I would be without mine…oh yeah, running to the drugstore…again, shelling out large sums of cash that I don’t have for over the counter medicine (and usually this happens in the middle of the night-right?!) OR traveling to the next city (when you don’t feel well-that sucks), paying a large co-pay…sitting in a lobby with other sick people only to see the doctor for a brief amount of time and given a prescription for chemical drugs that cost-you guessed it-large sums of money!
With The Family Physicians Kit in my home – I can relax and concentrate on getting myself or my family well.  And I can relax knowing that it is 100% natural, safe and cost effective!

Win a Family Physician Kit ($166 value)

fpk The Family Physicians Kit Essential Oil Giveaway!

The Family Physician Kit is one of the most popular doTERRA essential oil kits available. It’s a wonderful place to start if you are new to the idea of essential oils. It includes 5 mL bottles of:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Peppermint
  • Melaleuca
  • Oregano
  • Frankincense
  • Deep Blue® (soothing blend)
  • Breathe (respiratory support blend)
  • DigestZen (digestive support blend)
  • On Guard® (protective blend)

How to Enter for Your Chance to Win:

1. Click here to sign up for email updates from my blog:

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(If you are already a subscriber, continue to step 2…)
2. Use the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this post to confirm these entries and unlock even more entries to increase your chances of winning!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Giveaway ends April 18th, 2014 at midnight. Winner will be announced here within 72 hours.

(I know there are a lot of entry options–but keep in mind that you do NOT have to complete all of them–just the ones you want!—PLUS the more entries you have the better your chances at winning!)

EHtranslogo The Family Physicians Kit Essential Oil Giveaway! A huge THANK YOU to Mr. Al Garcia, our generous upline, who donated the prizes for this giveaway!

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This article may be contributed to third-party sites, but it is COPYRIGHTED, and it may not be USED in any form or shared without my written permission.  If you are interested in this article or any of Simply Living Simply articles, please contact Kat Yorba; Author and owner of Simply Living Simply directly for republishing information.


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Medical Disclaimer:

Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance.  The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

Ornamental Rule Lines in Different Design 2 150x44 The Family Physicians Kit Essential Oil Giveaway!

About Simply Living Simply

I am a "red-neck country wife" to one wonderfully amazing man, mother to many outrageous children, daughter of the ONE Glorious God. Learning to be more self-reliant & self-sufficient in a semi-homemade, homesteading way!
Connect with Kat here:    

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