Raw Flax Seed Crackers

Flax Seed Crackers


Basic Raw Flax Seed Cracker Recipe Plus a Few Variations

If you’ve been wondering how to make raw flax seed crackers or just looking for a good basic easy, healthy raw flax seed cracker recipe then this is it. There are alot of raw food recipes  out there and many different types of flax seed cracker recipes. I’m, going to show you the simplest and fastest way to make flax seed crackers.

Flax seeds are the richest plant source of omega-3 essential fatty acids which are essential for healthy heart and brain function.  Flax is rich in fiber and also contains between 75-800 times more lignans (plant estrogen-like chemicals that act as antioxidants) than other plant based sources.  Flax is also said to help prevent breast and prostate cancers.  It also helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar.

Buy a good quality flax seed.

Flax seed crackers are dehydrated crackers. Usually a dehydrator is needed, although you can try to make them in an oven and keep it under 120 degrees – if it has a fan in back. However that can take quite a few hours and would be a major drain on your electric bill. And I don’t recommend it – it may be too hot and damage the enzymes that dehydrating at a low temperature is supposed to preserve.

Dehydrators use very little energy. If you’re eating raw foods now and don’t have a dehydrator you definitely should get one. It is an indispensable piece of equipment for raw foodies. It will give you much more in the way to choose from in terms of the number of raw food recipes you can prepare.



Dehydrating your Flax Seed


Okay for the simple, easy, basic raw flax seed cracker recipe see below. However it is bland, I would suggest the follow-up variations for the best and most flavorful crackers.

For a general frame of reference, one cup of flax plus one cup of water will cover one Excalibur dehydrator tray with the appropriate thickness.  So if you want 3 trays full of crackers, use 3 cups of flax with equal parts water.  When dehydrated completely, flax crackers keep for a couple of weeks or longer at room temp in an air tight container.  

Basic Raw Flax Seed Cracker Recipe

1 cup whole golden flax seeds

1 cup filtered water

~2 T spices of your choosing  
sea salt to taste 


Combine ingredients in a bowl. Why not do several at a time?!







Combine all ingredients except salt in a bowl and stir.  Allow to sit until gelatinized, about an hour or so, stirring occasionally to keep the spices evenly distributed.  Do not rinse.  Spread directly onto teflex covered dehydrator tray, so that the flax seed mixture is about 1/8″ thick.  It’s best to put the mixture on one end of the tray and spread across in a consistent, uniform direction with a firm spatula, otherwise you don’t get an even spread. 

Spread evenly for a uniform cracker and consistent dehydration








Once spread evenly, score to desired sized pieces.  Sprinkle with salt, to taste.  Place in dehydrator at 105 degrees until firm enough to flip, about 4 hours.  You’ll know they’re ready to flip when they start to curl a little bit, and when you can peel the teflex off without them sticking too much.  Flip flax crackers over onto the mesh of the dehydrator tray.  Continue dehydrating until completely dry, about 6 hours or overnight.  Store in air tight container or zip lock bag at room temp for two weeks.

These crackers have been flipped and in for their final dehydration time










1 cup flax seeds
1 cup filtered water
1 T rubbed sage
1 T fresh rosemary, finely chopped
sea salt to taste

1 cup flax crackers
1 cup filtered water
1 T dried or fresh basil
1 T ground sundried tomatoes 
sea salt to taste

1 cup flax seeds
1 cup filtered water
1 T ground cinnamon
1 T ground ginger
2 droppers full liquid stevia, vanilla flavor


Flax Seed Crackers will keep for weeks!

Even if you’re just looking to include more flax seed in your diet or more raw foods, try these dehydrated flax seed cracker recipes for a satisfying crunch. Flax seed crackers are great with raw salsa, raw guacamole or raw hummus.  

A More Fancy Flax Cracker + Hummus Recipe!


Fancy Flax Crackers

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Sprouted Chickpea Hummus

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Fancy Flax Seed Crackers with Raw Hummus!

Photo: Raw Food For Real People © 2009 by Rod Rotondi

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Medical Disclaimer Notice: Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me &my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advice for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is in accordance and required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.
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Simply Living Simply About Simply Living Simply

Howdy there, I'm Kat! I'm a southern gal who loves being a wife, mother, blogger, writer and a follower of Jesus Christ. I adore coffee, chocolate, sweet tea, essential oils, meows, guns, drag racing and TEXAS!
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