Reiki: A Powerful Tool For Mind, Body, Spirit

Nowadays, the interest in alternative medicine is growing rapidly. Among the vast number of healing modalities available, Reiki is becoming increasingly popular around the world, especially since science has verified the existence of the universal life energy that Reiki is based on. Reiki is a powerful holistic healing system, it heals on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


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Reiki: A non-invasive healing modality

So what is Reiki?

The term Reiki is the Japanese word for Universal Life Force Energy. It is a very simple and easily acquired healing method that uses universal life energy, the energy which permeates our entire universe and all living things. This universal life energy is called qi or chi in China, prana in India, and ki in Japan and this is where the Reiki name derives.

It circulates throughout the body and in an energy field surrounding the body. This energy field, has long been known to healers, and is now verified by scientists. Recent scientific experiments have verified the existence of this life force energy. Scientists have proven that everything in the universe, at a sub-atomic level, is made up of energy. Health is the harmonious flow of life energy, while imbalances in this flow, due to unhealthy habits or negative emotions lead to illness. So this subtle energy is responsible for the processes in our body on all levels: physical, emotional and mental. Reiki channels universal life energy through the hands of the practitioner into the body of the receiver and balances the energy flow in the body.

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Plugging in to all that is good!

Reiki is a holistic healing system, meaning that it addresses the whole person: the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual levels. The body is not made up of isolated parts to be fixed, like a machine; there are no separate parts, but an amazing web of energy, and in order to truly return to health, all the levels of our being must be addressed.

Reiki works on four different levels:

The physical level: Reiki strengthens the immune system. It helps in relieving pain. It balances and harmonizes the function of glands and organs. It heals by opening the blocked energy channels, the meridians, and balances the chakras. When performed regularly, toxins are removed from the body and good health and well-being is maintained.

The emotional level: One of the greatest healing benefits of Reiki is stress reduction and relaxation, which strengthens the immune system and maintains health. People who are depressed or do not feel emotionally balanced begin to feel more stable and relaxed because Reiki clears energy blockages and suppressed emotions.

The mental level: Through giving yourself Reiki, you obtain more clarity and find it easier to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. You become more positive and reach a different outlook on life. You feel more empowered.

The spiritual level: Reiki enables you to go deeper within and feel more connected to your higher self. It aids meditation, increases intuition and provides limitless benefits of spiritual growth.

Reiki is so simple yet so powerful, and this is what makes it a unique healing system that anyone can learn, because it does not require any previous experience or special ability. The Benefits of Reiki are infinite. It allows you to take an active part in your own wellness, and accelerates your growth on all levels.

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I personally have experienced Reiki, and it impacted my life to such a degree that I studied over a period of time through the different levels (knowledge) of Reiki and became a Reiki Master (fancy word meaning in a nutshell I can teach…which I love doing!)

Reiki is truly a “Touch from the Master’s Hand” and not mine….:-)

Look for continuing articles in the future on Reiki and also the opportunity for long-distance Reiki Healing and Instruction!



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Medical Disclaimer:

Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me & my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advise for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance.  The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.

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About Kat Y (Simply Living Simply)

I am a "red-neck country wife" to one wonderfully amazing man, mother to many outrageous children, daughter of the ONE Glorious God. Learning to be more self-reliant & self-sufficient in a semi-homemade, homesteading way!
Connect with Kat here:    


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