Simple Saturdays Blog Hop


What is Simple Saturdays Blog Hop?

Simply put, it’s a link-up for each of us to share the various ways that we are learning to be more Self Reliant in our homes and on our land. This is all about building community, learning new skills and growing more self-sufficient!

Every Saturday this Blog Hop will be brought to you by a group of wonderful gals & guys committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.

Come join us, submit YOUR Simply Self-Reliant post (maybe even 2 or 3), browse around and visit a site or two and learn some new Simple tips or Self Reliant How’To’s! Remember to “LIKE” your favorites!

This Blog Hop is being hosted by:

Homestead Bloggers Network

Heather @ The Homesteading Hippy

Heather @ Green Eggs and Goats

Krystyna @ Spring Mountain Living

Ariana @ Truth Peace Love

Andrea @ It Takes Time

Lesa @ Better Hens and Gardens

Teri @ Homestead Honey

Blake @ Daddykirbs

Meredith @ Imagineacres

Janet @ Timber Creek Farmer

Kat @ Simply Living Simply

Kay @ Green Organic Mamas


How Can I Be a Guest Co-host?

Guest Co-hosts are selected by your peers.  When people go to submit a post or check out the Blog Hop they have the option to “LIKE” the entries.  The post with the most “LIKES” is next weeks Guest Co-host!

If your selected as a Guest Co-Host, don’t forget to grab your button and tell the world! (just copy/save)

What Can I Post?

Anything and everything related to a more Simple way of life OR Self Reliance….

This may include topics such as:

Homesteading, Prepping, Gardening, Cooking/recipes/food, Livestock of all varieties, Off-grid, Natural Living, Wellness/wholeness and Healthcare, Herbal, DIY & MYO!

*Make sure and include either a text link or the blog hop button below (copy/save) back to the Blog Hop. You could also include the following button in your sidebar of your site if you like:

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop


 (Copy/Paste and insert in your sidebar)


How Can I Be a Featured Blogger?

By linking up! Our featured blogger is chosen each week at random by our Co-hosts…and we hope to have YOU as our next featured blogger!

If you are selected as “Featured”, make sure and grab your button (just copy/paste):

simple saturdays featured button

Please note: By linking to this Blog Hop you are giving us permission to link back to your post if you are featured. We will also include 1 photo from your post in the interest of sending visitors your way.

Let the blogging begin…


Simple Tips for De-cluttering your life


What can be more liberating and energizing than clearing out clutter and toxins from your life? Whether it be emotional or physical, de-cluttering can have great effects on the quality of your health.

Emotional toxins build up whenever we harbor anger, envy, and other negative thoughts. Doing so, makes our bodies feel more anxious and fatigued. This even creates pain in certain areas of the body such as what we experience from tension in our head, neck, and back. We must find ways to de-clutter our mind and learn how to pamper our bodies, in order to reap the rewards of a more zestful life.

Giving ourselves space so we can de-clutter our minds!

Physically, we can start by cleaning up our surroundings.

We can perform a ritual very well known by those who practice Feng Shui called clearing the clutter. This involves

getting rid of all un-useful items of clothing or anything that you haven’t used within a year or more. Do this and you will be amazed at how much better you will feel about your surroundings.

Our home should be a place where we feel safe and relaxed instead of anxious and harried. Find ways to eliminate the use of harmful chemicals. Freshen up the air you breathe in your home. Make every room in your house a room of restful energy. Try googling the words Feng Shui and get some really creative ideas on how you can make your home more colorful and energetic. It’s simple to do and you will be filled with amazement at the results you receive.

Lets begin your emotional de-clutter:

Start with looking at your association. Meaning, as much as possible only put yourself around positive people. Stay away from all negativity. This includes commanding yourself to turn off the television, radio, any negative influences. Watching the news is one of the worst things you can do to yourself.

Take some time to reflect on any emotions and situations that may be toxic to both your mind and body, then begin a personal ritual to release them from your life. One example would be to sit down and write a letter to someone who hurt you emotionally in the past. Say everything you would like to say to them as if they were face to face with you. Write out your anger, and finally release it by burning the letter. Make those thoughts a thing of the past.

Some other solutions to emotional and physical stress is meditation or prayer

Only three minutes of meditation or prayer, can work wonders when you’re feeling stress, fatigued, or angry. Deep breathing purifies your mind and body. By going outside in the fresh air while performing your deep breathing will be even better.

Exercise naturally lifts our mood. So take a walk or workout. If only for ten minutes, it will be enough to help you feel refreshed. Nothing can calm the mind like prayer. Getting quiet, and getting in touch with your higher self is where you will find the answers to all of your requests.

Happy with that peaceful inner glow…

Once you habitually start using these techniques or some similar, you will find the clutter that once consumed your life is no longer a problem. De-cluttering your life is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Feelings of liberation will seem to spillover to all other areas of your life. Then you will enjoy many more days filled with great spirit, energy and compassion.


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This article may be hopping around the following Blog Hops: (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog HopThe HomeAcre Hop, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Homestead Blog Hop, From the Farm Fridays, Simple Saturdays Blog Hop, Simple Life Sunday Blog Hop.
Copyright Notice: This article may from time to time be contributed to third-party sites, but it is COPYRIGHTED, and it may not be used without my written permission. If you are interested in any of my articles, please contact Kat Yorba; Author and owner of Simply Living Simply directly for republishing information.
Affiliate Notice: Many of my blog posts contain affiliate links. Purchasing through an affiliate link does NOT increase the price you pay but allows me to keep blogging, sharing and bringing you great content.
Medical Disclaimer Notice: Nothing in this post is to be construed as medical advice, simply a sharing of things that have worked for me &my family. If you have any symptoms of serious illness, taking medication, pregnant or nursing, or have never worked with herbal materials or essential oils before, please consider consulting a medical professional before use. I am unable to offer advice for your particular medical situation; please ask your Doctor, Nurse Practitioner or Naturopath for further guidance. The statements made here have not been approved by the Food & Drug Administration. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This notice is in accordance and required by the Federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act.
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Online Introductory Herbal Course
Simply Living Simply About Simply Living Simply

Howdy there, I'm Kat! I'm a southern gal who loves being a wife, mother, blogger, writer and a follower of Jesus Christ. I adore coffee, chocolate, sweet tea, essential oils, meows, guns, drag racing and TEXAS!
Connect with Kat:    

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