Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress.com! This is your very first post. Click the Edit link to modify or delete it, or start a new post. If you like, use this post to tell readers why you started this blog and what you plan to do with it. Happy blogging! This article may be hopping around the following […]

Good Morning. Okay…so I have learned two valuable lessons.1.  My Ipad does NOT work with the Blogger platform.  I was out and about all weekend and was going to post from my Ipad…sounds good, right?!  NO!  It kept getting hung up and freezing…several attempts later, I conseded defeat.2.  Write your posts in advance and schedule […]


Today’s Post! YAY!  Okay, so I now have a BowFlex Machine.  It’s amazing really.  These things run major expensive and we got ours for a steal…or is that a song??!! Anyways…now I have an awesome tool to work-out with!  Why am I working out??  Let me tell you a quick story. Post-menopausal, cholesterol numbers BAD, […]


Good Day to you!  I missed yesterday….my husband and I were hunting down a Bowflex…found it and we are giving it a good home!  Today’s post will include yesterdays….all about the importance of water.  And todays will talk about my Bowflex machine and give you a stretch for your calves.  Sneak Peak for tomorrow….the importance […]


Did You Know That Therapeutic Massage is Beneficial in Combating Aging? As I age, hopefully with grace, I am trying to incorporate things into my life that are beneficial for body, mind, spirit and Simple! Eating clean and healthy, getting enough sleep & rest, keeping my body moving AND regular massage are all a part […]
