“Sustainable Living” Interview

Welcome Back… “Recipes & Tips for Sustainable Living” Interview It would have been so nice if Stacy and I could have met somewhere, her house or mine…had a little coffee or tea and shared a meal (or at least some chocolate cake y’all!) while we chatted…BUT.…since she lives in Alabama and I live in California…that […]

Herbal Remedies: Colds & Flu

Colds & Flu  If you haven’t been blessed with the latest Flu to go around, yet this year…YAY for you!  Ironically, my Doctor had just asked me, “Would you like a flu shot?” and of course not agreeing with all the stuff they put in those shots I said, “No, thanks, I’m good.” And a […]

Sustainable Living Book Review

I am pleased as punch to be reviewing a Brand New Book…Sustainable Living….by a good friend of mine, Stacy Harris today!!  You will be hearing from me for 3 posts, because frankly there is just so MUCH goodness in this book, one post would be far too long!   “Sustainable Living” Recipes & Tips by […]

Preparing Naturally Giveaway

This is a Super Wonderful and Amazing Post by contributing author: Katie Baldridge! Create Your Own Gluten Free 72 Hour Emergency Kit…..a money saving survival guide to gluten-free preparedness is here! Who needs an emergency kit you ask? Anyone who eats, that’s about all of us. But those of us with food allergies, sensitivities, and […]

Autumn Squash

There is a chill in the wind, leaves falling from the trees and the temps dip into the low 50’s at night here.  We grab sweaters and jackets when we leave the house and it’s dark when we get home.  It’s Fall…with Winter fast on her heels. Thankfully God has brightened our chilly Fall days […]

10 Tips for Urban Homesteading

  1) Stay In One Place Decide to make a commitment to one place. Become passionately attached and attuned to your surroundings. Learn what your community needs, discover what you can offer, and get involved.   2) Observe, Reflect, Then Act Take the permaculture approach of observing your surroundings and reflecting on what you can […]

Christ in the Commandments Devotional

My friends Luke & Trisha are an awesome young couple that adore their children, love God with their whole heart and just like to create wonderful devotionals for family, friends and YOU! They’ve done it again with their newest release…Christ in the Commandments.  This is a wonderful family bible study of the 10 commandments and […]

“A Homemade Christmas” Final Interview

Welcome Back to our continuing interview with Melissa K. Norris about her book “A Homemade Christmas”…….  Q:  Spring boarding off of Section Three: Homemade Decorations; is there a Christmas decoration that you ALWAYS decorate with or put up each and every year, and why? I have a set of antique Christmas ball ornaments that I […]

Independence Days Challenge

WELCOME to The Independence Days Challenge < What is the Independence Days Challenge? Simply put, it’s a way for each of us to share the ways that we are building our independence our homes and on our land. This is all about building community, skills and growing more self-sufficient! We are here to teach and […]

Coaxing Vegetables all Winter Long

Autumn typically signals the end of home grown vegetables from the garden, but with a little ingenuity you can harvest garden fresh produce well into the winter months.  Read on to discover simple tricks that will fortify your garden against the onslaught of frigid weather. Fall often delivers brief cold spells with a few frost […]