Herbal Remedies: Sinus Congestion


Sinus Congestion Sinus congestion can come from many different problems.  Common causes are viral or bacterial infections, but also allergy and irritation from air borne substances too.  This time of year, my allergies are in FULL swing.   And with our winds kicking in…well, that’s double trouble! If your feeling all stuffy, congested and you […]

The Pantry Primer: Where to Stash Your Stockpile

Another great article that shed’s light on where in the heck to stockpile our food storage! The Organic Prepper     Stockpiles: they aren’t just for pantries anymore! You might be wondering where on earth you can stash all of the food required for a one-year pantry. Unless you have a pantry the size of […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #20

simple saturdays b&w

 Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to be […]

Garden Tips to Avoid Fungus During the Summer

  Most of us are ready to invest a good amount for landscaping and gardening to give our home more beauty and well…bounty!  But we fail to prune when the plants needed it, and then our highly invested landscape (both time, money and energy) looks more terrible than ever AND our edible bounty isn’t so bountiful. So […]

Essential Cleaning Naturally

clean feature

Do I like my home to smell clean, fresh and, well….clean?  Yes-I-do!!  But not at the expense of have chemical cleaners and toxins spread all around my home.  And you know that I am all into simple here.  And frankly, there is nothing more simple and powerful in a natural way than essential oils. Essential […]

The Pantry Primer: Meal Planning While You’re Building Your Stockpile

Daisy from The Organic Prepper is here today sharing another article in her The Pantry Primer series.   It’s really easy to get sucked into purchasing food for the here and now, and to forget about creating a stockpile. We live in a “just in time” society, where people in metropolitan locations often grocery shop […]

The Sunday Social Blog Hop #11

 Welcome! What Is The Sunday Social Blog Hop? A virtual “Sunday Social”, where we all gather together and share good food recipes and be an encouragement to one another with articles of spiritual and inspirational nature.  Come join us, submit YOUR articles, browse around and visit a site or two and learn some new recipes and be […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #19

simple saturdays b&w

Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do. Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning […]

Simply Essential Easter Dinner

Easter came a little early this year for our family.  My husband had to go out of town for training so we decided to have our own mini-Easter celebration before he left.  It’s just the two of us now-a-days, so it wasn’t that big of a deal to shuffle the celebration. Of course in years […]

Ornamental Veggies: Try Some Veggies in Your Landscape

Vegetables are no longer relegated to the vegetable garden. Instead, they’re used for their beauty as well as their bounty. The best-looking vegetables can be planted in flowerbeds. Here are some of the most beautiful vegetables to use to create your own ornamental-edible garden: Lettuce comes in many gorgeous varieties with green, red, purple, even […]