Gardening Month by Month: August

  Gardening month by month – August August is the month of abundance…harvest, harvest, harvest. Oh yeah…water too!   Watering chores are what will eat up your garden time this month. Remember the basics: Water in the early morning. Water the soil, not the leaves. Water deeply and occasionally rather than shallow and often. Soak containers well. If you […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #33

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

5 Aches & Pains of Summer

The Aches & Pains of Summer Summer is more than half-way through now that we are about to say a fond farewell to July.  But there are several months left to play and party still.  Gone may be the camping trips and week-long adventure park trips but BBQ’s, Weekend Hikes, Afternoon Beach Time is still […]

Gardening with Essential Oils

    Essential Oil Usage in and Around the Garden I have been so busy this year with school and recovering from a knee injury that my passion for gardening has had, by necessity, taken somewhat of a backseat. But my new-found love of essential oils AND my still ever-present love for gardening, has inspired […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #32

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

Beat the weeds – plant groundcovers

New gardeners are so often put off gardening at the thought that it has to involve hours and hours of hard work keeping up with all the chores of gardening including tackling those persistent weeds.. The popular idea of a low-maintenance garden is one of covering the space with decking and gravel, planted with a […]

Your Essential Oil Bottle

Storing your essential oils is an important aspect of using the oils.  The time, energy, man-hours from the farmers and distillers and the care and time it takes to properly test, bottle, package and get these precious oils to you is invaluable.  Preserve your investment by storing correctly. Bottles, made of glass in various sizes […]

Herbal Remedies: Ulcers

  Ulcers Ulcers are a pain…a pain in the stomach.  If you have ever had ulcers, you wouldn’t forget them and also thank your lucky stars! Ulcers are actually painful sores that occur in the stomach or in the upper part of the small intestine.  As many as 10-15% of Americans have ulcers.  And not […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #31

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

Summer Garden Chowder

How is your garden growing this year?  With the periodic rains and warmth of summer comes abundance in our gardens.  Sure…we eat some. Okay, we eat tons.  We also can a lot of produce and share a lot with friends, family, neighbors…complete strangers….:-) Here is a great Summer time soup to use up some of […]