Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #38

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

Gardening Month by Month: September

  Gardening Month by Month – September September marks the beginning of the fall gardening season — a busy time of year for lucky warm-climate gardeners. For best selection, buy bulbs as soon as they appear at the garden center. Most spring-blooming bulbs, such as tulips, hyacinths, and crocuses, will need to be pre-chilled in the fridge for […]

Monthly Cookbook Review: August-Green Market Baking Book

I adore all kinds of books, but especially LOVE to delve deeply into cookbooks of all varieties.  Each month I will bring you a review of a cookbook.  Each book will be different in theme, taste, style and recipes. I hope that by offering you a review of a variety of cookbooks you have a small […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #37

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

Fermenting Frenzy

Let’s get a little fermenting going on! Have some veggies that need to be used up?? Well, how about preserving them in a new but old-fashioned, tried and true way?!! Fermented veggies, or cultured vegetables are seriously easy and seriously good for you, not to mention…just-plain-GOOD!  You have most likely heard of sauerkraut, kim chi, […]

It’s Freezing in Here!

One of my most favoritest things to do is freeze food!  It’s quick, it’s easy and…it’s semi-homemade. Well, in a way I am going to share with you today how quick and easy it is to freeze vegetables, berries and herbs…yes…even herbs!  The freezer can be a powerful, overlooked method of preserving.   Picked at […]

A Dilly of a Bean

 I love sweets, but I love pickles more…I know, hard to believe!  So since it is…”tis the season” for all things beans, let’s can some amazing pickled dilly beans!  Pickles you say, green beans you say?? Why YES!  They make most excellent pickles.  Besides…kids love them! Canning is a super great way to preserve and […]

Preserving the Bounty Giveaway

bounty feature

Many of us in the homestead, natural life style and prepper blogging communities are well versed in the methods used to preserve fresh food. In fact we are so passionate about eating fresh food all year long that we want to help others learn to preserve food too. A group of us got together to […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #36

simple saturdays b&w

  Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to […]

Carrier Oils A to Z

    A carrier oil is any lipid-based substance used to dilute essential oils. The most popular varieties are pure vegetable oils, including grape seed, avocado, almond, avocado, sunflower and olive oils; however, most readily available carrier oils are unstable and go rancid quite easily. I prefer fractionated coconut oil because it is stable at […]