Herb Gardening Basics

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One of the most appealing things anyone will learn about herb gardening is how relaxing and simple growing herbs can be. Discovering all the wonderful, various herbs and what they do is a captivating pastime, and can be quite beneficial. You can use herbs for cooking, as medicinal aids such as topical dressings or healthy […]

A Honey of a Shortbread

Spring is just around the corner and that means alot of things to alot of us folks.  One of those glorious things is fresh….HONEY! Now we all know that Honey is great for us, sugar…well, not so much. But did you know that there are some honey’s that are just a little…bit…better?? Mohawk Valley Trading […]

Gardening Month by Month: March

Gardening Month by Month: March Gardening in March in Southern California is truly a roller-coaster ride!   We have beautiful mild days followed by 2-3 days of rain followed by 74 degree temps of weeks on end.  Then repeat. But it’s great for getting out there into the garden and getting things accomplished-because the weather […]

10 Simple Kitchen Tips

Sometimes we all need reminders of the simple things in life.  I like reminders for help around the kitchen.  I think it’s really neat to be able to be frugal and self-sufficient in my kitchen. So here are a few kitchen tips that help me out, maybe you will find one or two to help […]

Simply Moments: Sing a New Song

Today were taking a moment to think about that song that is rattling around in your head. You know the one, it’s been stuck in your thoughts all day long…you find yourself humming it or singing a few words here or there as you go about your day. Let’s talk about that….. Colossians 3:16:”Let the […]

Crockpot Pumpkin Apple Bread Pudding

Here’s a SWEET treat from Sara, Contributing Author from The Granola Mommy! One of my favorite foods is bread pudding (are y’all noticing my favorite foods are terrible for you?). I believe and maintain that it should be it’s own food group! Bread Pudding done right is creamy, sweet, velvety, and any other yummy adjective […]

Pantry Primer: Building Your Protein Stockpile

One area in which many pantries are lacking is protein.  Because meat is so perishable (and also expensive) it is often the most neglected frontier of the one-year pantry. This is a vital addition to your pantry, because without proper protein, hard-working muscles cannot heal and strengthen. Particularly in a disaster situation, you may be […]

The Sunday Social Blog Hop #3


 Welcome! What Is The Sunday Social Blog Hop? A virtual “Sunday Social”, where we all gather together and share good food recipes and be an encouragement to one another with articles of spiritual and inspirational nature. Come join us, submit YOUR articles, browse around and visit a site or two and learn some new recipes and be […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #11

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 Welcome! What is Simple Saturdays Blog Hop? Simply put, it’s a link-up for each of us to share the various ways that we are learning to be more Self Reliant in our homes and on our land. This is all about building community, learning new skills and growing more self-sufficient! Every Saturday this Blog Hop […]

Picking The Right Gardening Tools

If you’re thinking about taking your gardening seriously and getting out there every day to increase the attractiveness of your garden, then you will want to get the right tools to help you in this. You might be tempted to go out to the store and just buy the nearest things you see, but you’ll be much happier if […]