The Sunday Social Blog Hop #8

 Welcome! What Is The Sunday Social Blog Hop? A virtual “Sunday Social”, where we all gather together and share good food recipes and be an encouragement to one another with articles of spiritual and inspirational nature.  Come join us, submit YOUR articles, browse around and visit a site or two and learn some new recipes and be […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #16

simple saturdays b&w

 Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to be […]

Picking The Right Location For Your Garden

Once you have picked what type of garden you want, there are many other factors you need to decide before you actually get to work with your gardening tools. Mainly you need to choose its location. This is usually decided by several factors: How you will water it, how much shade it needs, etc. Some […]

Banana Bread French Toast

What could be more yummy, satisfying and indulgent than homemade banana bread french toast…perfect for a special day (it was my birthday!), or just the ticket for weekend brunch! First we have to start with the homemade “Bisquick Type” baking mix before we can get to the banana bread…to get to the banana bread french toast! […]

Got Heartburn…drink tea!

Do you suffer from heartburn? I surely do, at least lately. I am sure it’s partly my fault; the food I am eating or the drink I am drinking. But it is also something we suffer from as we get a little older too.  And when us gals get on the other side of Menopause! […]

Buffalo Chicken Casserole

We are enjoying another recipe from Sara at The Granola Mommy This recipe that I’m sharing is a football favorite around here, but’s its GREAT anytime. The original recipe calls for white potatoes mixed in with everything. It makes for an awesome casserole but not an awesome figure. So you peeps know I had to […]

Homesteader Chit Chat #3

Welcome back to Homestead Chit Chat! I’m so glad your here with us today, and I am super excited to introduce you to a good friend of mine.  She’s a super gal and I know you will love her as much as I do! Timber Creek Farm How long have you been a Homesteader? Where […]

Simply Meal Planning #4

Welcome to Simply Meal Planning – the Semi-homemade way! Happy MONDAY to all!  This past week…well…in an nutshell was a bomb!  So, I was glad that I had made my meal plan BEFORE all heck broke loose, because I just needed to go on auto-pilot and just…do!  Not think…do!  Sometimes when life throws us curve […]

The Sunday Social Blog Hop #7

 Welcome! What Is The Sunday Social Blog Hop? A virtual “Sunday Social”, where we all gather together and share good food recipes and be an encouragement to one another with articles of spiritual and inspirational nature.  Come join us, submit YOUR articles, browse around and visit a site or two and learn some new recipes and be […]

Simple Saturdays Blog Hop #15

simple saturdays b&w

 Welcome to Simple Saturdays Blog Hop This blog hop is brought to you by a group of wonderful co-hosts committed to the Simple way of Life and learning to be Self Reliant in all they do.  Simple Saturdays Blog Hop is a way for each of us to share the various ways we are learning to be […]